The James Smith Academy is an online fitness and nutrition program created by personal trainer and social media influencer James Smith. The program is designed to help individuals improve their health, fitness, and wellbeing through a combination of workout plans, nutrition guidance, and lifestyle coaching.
Reviews of the James Smith Academy are generally positive, with many users praising the program for its practical and sustainable approach to health and fitness. Many users report that they have been able to achieve significant improvements in their physical health and fitness through the program, and appreciate the focus on long-term sustainability rather than quick fixes.Check also James Smith Jiu Jitsu.
One of the unique features of the James Smith Academy is its emphasis on mindset and lifestyle coaching. The james smith deficit calculator program includes modules on stress management, sleep, and mindset, which many users report have helped them to not only improve their physical health, but also their overall wellbeing.
Users also appreciate the flexibility and convenience of the program, which can be completed entirely online and can be tailored to suit individual needs and preferences. The James Smith Calculator program includes a range of workout plans and nutrition guidance, and users can choose the plan that best suits their goals and lifestyle. See also James Smith Physique.
Some users have noted that the james smith pt calculator program can be relatively expensive compared to other online fitness programs, but many feel that the value provided by the program is worth the cost.
Overall, reviews of the James Smith Academy suggest that it is a valuable james smith calculator steps resource for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness, and that the program’s emphasis on sustainability, mindset, and lifestyle coaching sets it apart from other online fitness programs.
I’m not going to say that caffeine is by any means ‘bad’. Athletes perceive weights to be lighter under the influence of caffeine, and without it I would have skipped a lot more training sessions in the past few years. There’s also a high chance I wouldn’t have been able to write this book without an abundance of coffee. My main concerns with caffeine are centred around timing; should it disrupt your sleep cycle if you consume it too late in the day and hinder your ability to fall asleep, that’s an issue.
The other element I object to is when someone uses caffeine to mask genuine fatigue or ‘overtraining’. Sometimes an early night and a good night’s sleep will do more for someone’s fitness journey than a forced training session fuelled by a huge amount of caffeine, which could all too easily lead to another night’s disrupted sleep and feeling more tired still the following day, and so on.
Caffeine affects people differently. My parents have a cup of coffee before bed and I’m confused about why they do it to this day. It is thought that there might be up to 33 per cent of people who do not respond to caffeine ingestion. However, this might be an over-extrapolation of the current data due to the fact that I’m sure more people will be forthcoming about not responding to caffeine in comparison to those who do feel its effects. It’s just something to keep in mind. I’m sure if I left a pot of Vegemite out on the side, more of my friends who disliked it would comment than those who liked it.
For years, I thought that booze helped you sleep – a nightcap, as my dad would call it. Unfortunately, this means the period you spend in bed is more sedation than sleep and usually hinders the body’s natural sleep cycles. This isn’t to say you should never drink; just be warned of the effect. Nowadays, I avoid the odd ‘one-off beer’ because I am conscious of the detrimental effect it could have on my sleep – that’s me, though: a typical not-drinking or all-in kind of person.
Drug abuse
As narcotics such as MDMA and cocaine become more widespread, people are often staying awake for much longer periods than their circadian rhythm would like, and the health implications include not just the effects of the drugs themselves, but the associated sleep deprivation too.
Shift work
Now, I honestly would love to label this part of the book ‘GET A NEW JOB’, but unfortunately, shift work is essential to society. Doctors, nurses, service-station attendees, flight attendants, pilots, police, ambulance crews, firefighters and so many more are crucial, and we need people to be working shifts. 12 From what I have learned about the importance of sleep, it’s clear that shift work will only hinder the balance of someone’s circadian rhythm.
This is not to say that their life of training and dieting is wasted, but we have to be mindful that the effects of shift work are ‘suboptimal’. At the end of the day, it’s important to keep in mind that if you’re not quite getting the energy to hit every gym session at every intensity you’d like, ultimately your profession is more important than how you look on the beach. Even fitness models can’t all afford to support a family with their six-pack alone, so sometimes we have to realize we can’t have both.
As we can’t realistically eradicate shift work, I think that more needs to be done for those who do it. Ideally, a shorter working week or something to compensate for the fact that they’re constantly going to be tired and never fully on a proper sleep cycle – even giving them a four-day week and a longer weekend to recover. I don’t think throwing more money at the problem is a good enough solution to this big issue. We need a better understanding of the negative impact of shift work.
Nurses, doctors, etc. will be more likely to make professional mistakes if they are sleep-deprived and, ideally, we should shorten their shifts and the number of days they work. Shift workers, in my opinion, should focus on creating the best routine surrounding their sleep; if anyone has the choice to do shift work they should always opt for more sensible hours, but in cases where it’s not a choice they need to ensure the sleep they do get is of good quality and duration.
James Smith-Personal Fitness Trainer
James Smith is a well-known personal trainer and fitness coach based in the UK. He has gained a large following on social media, particularly on Instagram and YouTube, for his straightforward approach to health and fitness, often challenging mainstream ideas and advocating for evidence-based practices.
James is known for his no-nonsense approach to training and nutrition, emphasizing the importance of consistency and adherence to a sustainable lifestyle rather than quick-fix solutions. He has written several books on fitness and nutrition, including “Not a Diet Book” and “The Grind Bible”, which have become popular among his followers.
In addition to his online presence, James runs a coaching and training business, where he works with clients to help them achieve their fitness goals through customized workout and nutrition plans. He is also a frequent speaker at fitness conferences and events, where he shares his expertise and insights on the latest trends and practices in the industry.