James Smith Academy TDEE Calculator is a tool that helps individuals estimate their daily energy expenditure. It takes into account several factors, including age, gender, weight, height, and activity level, to provide an estimate of the number of calories an individual burns each day.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is the amount of energy (calories) an individual burns each day through various activities, including exercise, work, and rest. TDEE is an essential factor to consider when setting goals for weight loss, weight gain, or weight maintenance. The james smith deficit calculator is a tool that helps individuals estimate their daily energy expenditure, allowing them to create a calorie deficit or surplus based on their goals. In this article, we will discuss what the TDEE Calculator is, how it works, and its benefits.
The james smith pt calculator is available online, and it’s free to use. It’s designed to provide a quick and easy way for individuals to estimate their TDEE without having to go through complicated calculations.
How does the TDEE Calculator work?
The TDEE Calculator works by taking into account several factors that may impact an individual’s energy expenditure. These factors include:
- Age: Metabolism tends to slow down as we age, meaning older individuals may burn fewer calories at rest than younger individuals.
- Gender: Men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women due to having more muscle mass.
- Weight: The more weight an individual carries, the more calories they will burn during physical activity.
- Height: Taller individuals typically have a higher TDEE due to a larger body surface area.
- Activity Level: The TDEE Calculator takes into account an individual’s activity level, which includes both exercise and non-exercise physical activity. The more active an individual is, the higher their TDEE will be.
Based on these factors, the James Smith Calculator provides an estimate of the number of calories an individual burns each day. Once an individual has estimated their TDEE, they can use this information to create a calorie deficit or surplus, depending on their weight goals.
Benefits of using the TDEE Calculator
The TDEE Calculator offers several benefits to individuals who are looking to achieve their weight goals. These include:
- Personalized: The TDEE Calculator provides a personalized estimate of an individual’s energy expenditure, taking into account their unique characteristics and activity level.
- Time-saving: The james smith calculator steps is a quick and easy tool to use. Individuals can use it from the comfort of their own homes and receive an estimate of their TDEE in just a few minutes.
- Accurate: The TDEE Calculator is based on the most up-to-date research and is designed to provide accurate estimates of TDEE.
- Goal-oriented: The TDEE Calculator allows individuals to set realistic weight goals based on their TDEE. For example, if an individual’s goal is to lose weight, they can create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than their TDEE. If their goal is to gain weight, they can create a calorie surplus by eating more calories than their TDEE.
- Education: The TDEE Calculator can be an educational tool, as it provides individuals with a better understanding of their daily energy expenditure and how it can impact their weight goals.
Limitations of using the TDEE Calculator
While the TDEE Calculator offers several benefits, it also has some limitations. These include:
- Estimates Only: The TDEE Calculator provides estimates of energy expenditure based on certain criteria. However, it does not take into account an individual’s unique circumstances, such as health conditions or other factors that may impact.
Tracking NEAT with fitness trackers
So where do ‘fitness trackers’ come into play? Nowadays, our smartphones, smartwatches or fitness trackers can tell us how many calories we’re burning and how many steps we are doing each hour of each day. Personally, I don’t advocate calorie tracking on these devices, as I feel there are too many influential factors for an accurate calorie burn to be recorded.
However, having something to make you aware of how much you’re simply moving has a huge effect on fat loss in the long term. On days that we’re incredibly active, we know about it; on days we’re not, sometimes we don’t even realize – and that is where activity trackers have their place. Hypothetically: Sandra comes into the gym with her friend Sally and they both want to lose fat, so they begin a sensible resistance-training regime.
They’re the same height, weight, age and have the same job. Their calories, protein targets and training regimes are identical. They train together three times a week. Sandra has a fitness tracker. Sally does not. Sandra notices a slight decline in her step count since adhering to the calories I’ve set her. Sandra, upon noticing the slight decline, opts to take the stairs at work, even when her co-workers are taking the elevator.
She decides to take her dog for another walk each day, as she wants to keep her activity up to the level it was before meeting me. Sally sticks to her calories, does her training and hits her protein target. Sally isn’t really aware of NEAT and its impact on fat loss, so only really does what I’ve instructed her to. Sandra will, for certain, see superior fat loss results to Sally because of this.
NEAT is a crucial yet not widely spoken about element of daily expenditure and needs to be taken into account, not only by coaches, but by those being coached themselves. During periods of calorie restriction, you may find yourself parking that little bit closer to the shops or less inclined to move so much. I certainly notice myself sitting at any given opportunity when I’m cutting calories. Being mindful of these habits and changes can help us prevent them from getting in the way of progress.
The tool belt – your ‘secret’ weapon
I often imagine a tool belt that we all have and wear each day, containing the tools we need to improve our overall lifestyle and aid us in reaching our goals. That might be, for example, increasing our NEAT one day to make up for a big hit of calories the day before, or some ‘cardio’ (which is EAT) because we’re planning a big meal at the weekend and want to be able to eat that pizza.
I feel it’s important to see these methods of burning calories, or reducing them in this way, at our disposal as our prerogative to use. Once we have the education to inform our decisions, we can choose and implement any tool whenever we like, or even opt not to use them at all. For example, having a step goal via a fitness tracker, albeit a non-essential addition to any person’s routine, is a smart addition to someone’s tool belt.
We can’t wake up tomorrow and have much of an influence on the calories burned in our BMR, nor can we do much to affect the calorie content of our favourite foods, but what we can do is consciously increase both NEAT and EAT through attempting to move as much as we can when not doing planned exercise. Then, on the other hand, it’s important we continue to make the most of our training and strive for a concept known as ‘progressive overload’.
Progressive overload is where you seek and strive to make quantifiable improvements session on session, whether it’s increases in weight or other metrics. I’ll explain this in more detail later in the book. Other tools that we can use include food trackers such as MyFitnessPal, sleep-monitoring apps to quantify the duration of our sleep and even provide an estimate of its quality too.
We can also work on conscious habits like parking further away from the shops or choosing to get off the bus or the train one or two stops early. None of these things has to be used; they’re just there for when we need them. And it’s always our prerogative to discontinue using them when we don’t need them. So always keep in mind your tool belt.
A bit like a handyman who has at his disposal a tape measure, a hammer and a pen for when he needs one, you’ll have your own tools, such as increasing your NEAT and tracking it on your Fitbit or iPhone, tracking your food on MyFitnessPal, doing an extra session in the gym, restricting calories for a short period of time to make up for a big social occasion …
You may find some tools more effective than others, but no two people losing fat are exactly the same. What you respond to best is for you to find out on what will be a journey of self-discovery. It sounds a bit hippyish, but there are a lot of things you don’t know about yourself yet, and I want to help you find what you need, so I can come on that journey with you – not physically, but I’ll be there in spirit, I am sure.
Habits, in essence, form who we are. They make up our identity, but identities can change over time and it’s important sometimes to remind ourselves of this: ‘We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit.’ Will Durant No one is born with excellence. It’s a skill, and skills are developed through repetition, often through creating a habit to repeat something.
I have learned a lot on this topic from the author James Clear; he taught me that there are no bad or good habits – just habits that will contribute to our goals and those that won’t. Eating a doughnut is not a bad thing or a bad habit in itself; it’s largely subjective. For someone who wants to lose fat, it isn’t an ideal thing to be doing on the regular.
However, for someone who is trying to improve their connection and relationship to food, that doughnut could be the biggest victory of their week or even month. Up until the age of twenty-four, before becoming a PT, I hadn’t actually accomplished much with my life at all. I was well travelled, had bad grades, no savings and I lived with my parents.
Living with my parents was fantastic and I don’t regret it at all, as it enabled me to throw myself full-on into my early years as a PT, with incredibly long days and lots of laundry. If I had to attribute any success since then to something, I would say it was down to creating solid habits. A lot of what built my presence on social media was not so much what I posted about, but how I went about posting my content.
Instead of worrying about how the post did, I just worried about posting every day. Instead of worrying about how engaging the article was, I just worried about writing it. I pencilled time in every day to write the articles and nothing would interfere with that habit. My following was below 2,000 for more than two years, but I kept my head down and just did my daily post and article.
It was never about tomorrow’s habit; only ever about today’s actioned habit. People ask me about my five- or ten-year plan, but honestly, I don’t have one. I just worry about today. Tomorrow is influenced by today, so why even worry about it now? Today I have to write this book and I have to write a marketing email. If I don’t do either of those, I will struggle to relax because it has now become such a strong ingrained habit to do them each day. In my second year as a trainer, I came across a man named Paul Mort, who claimed that email marketing was the best way to make sales. I could not believe something as old-fashioned as email could be a medium for developing my business. Who the hell wants me to email them? I thought.
Let alone every day. But Paul said daily vs weekly yields up to a 30 per cent better return on sales. I couldn’t believe this until I signed up to his paid plan – because he emailed me every fucking day until I cracked! I now run one of the world’s largest email lists in the fitness industry – one of the most profitable too. I email several-hundred-thousand people each day with something entertaining that has nothing to do with fitness, then pitch for business at the end.
In LA, earlier this year, I got stung $500 for a laundry bill and my first reaction was: ‘This will make a good marketing email.’ Not only profitable, but therapeutic – I’d never have known that, having originally thought it was the most boring medium for marketing. I started my list with one email to one subscriber. I didn’t worry about growing the list, I didn’t worry about sales; all I worried about was setting and ingraining the habit.
Focusing on the habit is crucial – it’s not about the instant gratification that comes with effort. The reason most personal trainers fail to build an online presence is because they create a habit and expect an instant return on the investment of effort, and if they don’t see one, then they discontinue the habit. They do not let the habit work over time to yield a substantial return.
Since I decided to write my daily emails, all I have done is focus on writing them each day. I just got on with it and learned along the way. Now, three years later, I have proof that committing to something every single day has yielded a positive response and a growth of my community and business. Olympic lifting is all about repetition; there are no short cuts to getting a good snatch or clean and jerk.
You must input hundreds of hours and thousands of repetitions, and rest assured that behind great success is a trail of mistakes, lessons learned and small improvements. Do you know how long it took me to make my first sale via email? Ten months. Ten months of writing an email every day. At the cost of 5.8 days of solid email writing (thirty minutes per day) for ten months, I made £20 on my first sale. That works out at 14p per hour for my efforts as an email marketer.
Not something that many would aspire to on paper. Hundreds of days with nothing in return – just notching the temperature for the ice cube up a degree, so to speak. I posted online for two to three years before I ever got an online client too. People can’t believe how many emails I send, and they ask me what the trick is to grow an email list. I tell them: thirty minutes of your time every day, for years.
You cannot email someone too often; you can only be too boring. It’s worth noting this too: people who accomplish great things in life and those who accomplish little to nothing often have the same goal. I’ve been working online as a personal trainer for several years, and I’m sure there are a lot of others who aspire to do it and never will. The difference does not sit within my ability to speak publicly or create engaging content; it sits within my daily habits. So an aspiring athlete and a gold-medal Olympian have the same goal. These will relate to sleep, nutrition, training and life in general.
One of my Brazilian jiu jitsu training partners got a gold medal in the Olympics. He told me that every time it pissed it down with rain, he’d go outside and sprint. I asked him, ‘Why?’ He told me that every person he’d ever come up against in the Olympics would be inside, out of the rain, which made it the perfect opportunity to get one up on them while they remained dry.
That sounds like the habit of a gold medallist. If we take this approach into a training scenario, this could be about setting a habit of training in a certain area of the gym, ensuring you’re using a particular piece of equipment and making it habitual to step outside your comfort zone, increasing that discomfort and gym-based anxiety no more than one degree at a time.
Before you know it, you could hit the metaphorical melting point for all your insecurities and worries in the gym, using the squat rack unassisted for the first time. And I’ll bet you could do all of that without having to worry about getting your socks wet like my Olympian friend. My favourite quote from Atomic Habits is this: ‘You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.’ James Clear, Atomic Habits And this is where I need you to take note.
Where you are is not important; where you are going is. You may not have the body you want, 4 you may not have your diet in the place you want it. But are you getting better at taking action to make those changes? If so, great. Are you making progress? If so, great. And if you’re not making progress, are you making adjustments so that you soon will be?
That’s what is important here. You could well finish this book and not have made physical changes to the point that someone will notice them just yet. But that is okay. Rather than worry about your current situation, just worry about your current trajectory. You’d be amazed what you can accomplish. Successful habits make successful people. Think about my trajectory with my email marketing list.
It was always improving, although I had nothing tangible to show for it. Yet the thirty minutes a day I put aside for this way of communicating with my clients could just be one of the greatest habits I have ever implemented. One email a day, in time, will pay my parents’ mortgage off, so they have more of their retirement money to live with until the end of their days.
Writing emails has become very therapeutic, almost like keeping a daily diary. However, do you know what made it easiest for me? I have fallen in love with the process of writing an email each day, so rather than it being a burden, a task or a chore, it’s quite simply a habit I enjoy doing. My advice to you: find your successful habits, implement them daily and then fall in love with executing them. You’ll stumble across great success just from that alone.
James Smith-Personal Fitness Trainer
James Smith is a well-known personal trainer and fitness coach based in the UK. He has gained a large following on social media, particularly on Instagram and YouTube, for his straightforward approach to health and fitness, often challenging mainstream ideas and advocating for evidence-based practices.
James is known for his no-nonsense approach to training and nutrition, emphasizing the importance of consistency and adherence to a sustainable lifestyle rather than quick-fix solutions. He has written several books on fitness and nutrition, including “Not a Diet Book” and “The Grind Bible”, which have become popular among his followers.
In addition to his online presence, James runs a coaching and training business, where he works with clients to help them achieve their fitness goals through customized workout and nutrition plans. He is also a frequent speaker at fitness conferences and events, where he shares his expertise and insights on the latest trends and practices in the industry.